Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rural Texas Teens Texting

This article struck me for two reasons: it showed significant differences between rural and urban populations and it was based on actual empirical data. The survey of 4,442 Texas high school students showed students at rural high schools were almost twice as likely as students at urban high schools to regularly use a cell phone while driving (48% to 25%) and significantly more likely to text message while driving (33% o 18%). Given those numbers perhaps it's less surprising that 65% of teen drving fatalities in Texas were in rural areas.

The article quotes Russell Henk of the Texas Transportation Institute saying, "At first blush, I would have expected kids in urban environments to be taking part in that activity more. But the more we've thought about it, I think for the typical urban teen driving in San Antonio or on the 610 Loop in Houston, a lot of those things they can't do. It's too congested, too dangerous and they can't take part."

The Texas Transportation Institute website also has a ton of reports on rural transportation in Texas.

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